
Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014

My Daily Banana
Photo of the day:
Another well revamped thatched roof Friesen house
Abbreviation of the day:
International Food and Agriculture Organization
German: Welternährungsorganisation
Name of the day:
An Israeli name meaning companion, friendship
Today is the United States
National Chocolate Chip Day
In 1937 Ruth Graves (God bless her) added bits of a Nestle chocolate bar in cookies that she was baking. They were such a success, that Nestle gave her a lifetime of free chocolate for the recipe.
Chocolate Chips
Today is the International
Day of Families
This day, the International Day of Families was proclaimed by the UN in 1994. So it’s the twentieth anniversary of the day that celebrates the social community of the family
Event of the day:
15th May 1940
opens its first restaurant in San Bernadino, California, United States. The corporation now serves 68 million guests in 119 countries and is therefore the largest fast food restaurant chain worldwide.
I don’t eat there, anymore! I must admit, when I ate animal I often went there for a quick snack, the good thing about the restaurant is; all around the world you get the same product, with the same quality, which is good.
The Economist uses the Big Mac Index as a measurement for the purchasing power parity (PPP)
If you want more information about the Big-Mac-Index following link will take you to the right side in Wikipedia:
Birthday of the day:
15th May 1937
In Dallas, Texas, United States
Trini Lopez
Not many will know him, but they will remember a few of his hits, such as: “If I Had a Hammer”, “Lemon Tree”
Link to “If I Had a Hammer”:
and “Lemon Tree”:
Died on this day:
15th May 1773
In Saint-Omer, France
Born 1710
In Appletree, Northhamptonshire, England
Alban Butler

He was an English priest and hagiographer
The reason why I chose to include Mr Butler in my blog is his vocation, hagiography. Hands up! Who knows what that is?
Easy really what with him being a priest; he wrote biographies of saints. After thirty years of study he published his work “The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints” in a band of four volumes.
Non Cycle ride of the day:
While Heike gabbed with her sister and our daughter Kirsty, I buggered off for a long walk and a cuppa cappuccino. Here's a couple of photos of Niebüll the dreamy little town we live in.
The Church Bellfry
The Churchyard Entrance
Main Street Niebüll
We even have one of these;
 although I must admit I thought it had been dismantled 
Young meets Old
Gretje with Opa
Bye, see you all tomorrow. Have a good day